MFT Sweden AB helps individuals, groups and organizations to develop mentally and physically in order to get what they want!
Theoretical background
Psychodynamic therapy – PDT
A lot of fundamental assumptions in mental fulfilment training comes from psychodynamic psychotherapeutic theory (PDT). PDT deals with how we defend ourselves, that we are partially unaware of what we think, feel and how we behave and how we interact with those with whom we emotionally bond from the moment of birth learn how to relate to ourselves, the people around us and the environment. These ways of relating follow us in adult life and reflects onto relations in present time. We can change what is destructive within ourselves by making oneself aware of what was previously unaware and thus desolve the conflicts that have been pushed down into the unconsious.
Psychodynamic contributions to MFT
All psychic processes can be identified as belonging to either the id, the I or the superego. The id is all the impulses that we as being biological creatures need to be fulfilled without any consideration for the environment, such as sex, hunger, love, attention, sleep etc. The superego is the part of the psychic apparatus that critically, ethically and morally judges all other mental functions. The environment constantly affect us and the I´s task is to find compromises between the id, the superego and the environment so that trhe individual can reach a condition of inner and outer balance. This way of compromising demands continous activity to maintain the balance as the psyche is said to be in constant change. MFT Sweden AB works within the hypothesis that human spiritual life can be seen as well described by this psychodynamic model.
Defense mechanisms consists of automatic mental processes belonging to the I but outside its direct control. Their purpose is to protect the individual from anxiety, discomfort and other psychological pain by creating provisional solution of conflicts where a permanent solution is on it´s way but because of different reasons impossible for the moment. Defense mechanisms are developed continously from birth. Defense mechanisms that have been developed in a particular environment and that have been constructive there could compose destructive elements in another environment and thus contribute to great mental suffering. MFT Sweden see a understanding and a following restructuring of the individual´s defense as a important part of mental fulfilment training.
The human medvetande kan ha olika grader, det medvetna, det förmedvetna och det omedvetna (undermedvetna). Det medvetna är tankar, känslor och beteende som vi är i omedelbar kontakt med, det förmedvetna är tankar, känslor och beteende som vi vet att vi har men som vi för tillfället inte är i kontakt med och det omedvetna är tankar känslor och beteende som vi har men som vi inte vet om att vi har. Speciellt sådant som är konfliktfyllt kan såra oss varför det trängs ned i det undermedvetna och vi skyddar oss mot det med hjälp av olika försvarsmekanismer. Dessa undanträngda konflikter kan vara orsaken till psykiskt lidande och kan medvetandegöras och bearbetas för att lidandet skall upphöra.
MFT Sweden AB works with the hypothesis that these hidden conflicts could exist within most people because improving conscious process is a central part of MFT.
Cognitive behaviour therapy – CBT
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a very important part of mental fulfilment training. In general it deals with thoughts, feeelings and behaviors that creates problems in the context we are in and how we can change this to function more constructively in the environment we choose to develop in.
Important contributions from CBT within MFT
From the moment the sperm penetrates the egg through birth until the point in time where we look upon ourselves we have gone through a long process of learning. Subconciously we have learnt how to think, feel and behave in different ways depending on the environment. We have, during this long process of learning by the trial and error method, slowly but securely understood how to react in order to get the reward that we wanted in that particular context.
Often the thoughts, feelings and behaviour that create problems to the individual give strong rewards in the form of wanted emotinal states at the same time as the person becomes a problem to him or her self in the environment at hand. To cure this the individual need to be exposed to what is troublesome (to be without the wanted emotions) and behave differently in that context until he or she knows how to deal with the situation. Hence the person will relearn that the wanted behaviour can be used without feeling anxiety.
Exposure training as a part of mental fulfilment training make the individual see that all the fears and worries are just a figment of imagination. In this way exposure training can cure fobias, worries, addictions and psychosomatic conditions of different kinds.
Existential therapy – ET
Existential theory and therapy contributes many valuable perspectives concerning the human situation on earth, how we choose to act, which give us the opportunity to control our lives instead of beingvictims to outer circumstance. Existential psychotherapy helps the individual to look at oneself as a part of nature, in interaction with other people and despite being alone still filled with meaning. All these perspectives are parts of the existential psychotherapeutic viewpoint within mental fulfilment training.
Some existential therapeutic contributions to MFT
Existential theory implies that the bridge between wish and acting is choice. To choose means deciding a certain path in a given situation. Many people have ended up in psychologically difficult situations because they experience decision making difficult and choice as complicated.
MFT Sweden AB work thoroughly to make the individual see that thoughts, feelings and behaviors are choices that everyone can learn to control and thereby master situations in life that felt out of control before. The human beeing is every day confronted with a large number of choices that have to be made of which are not even thought of as choices. The only thing man can not choose is to be born and to die, both are enevitable. But no matter what happens in our life we can always choose our way of relating to life events. To see the possibility to choose how to think, feel and behave and to interpret events surrounding us is a very important part of mental fulfilment training that comes from existential theory.
Finally, according to existential theory, man needs a meaning in life in order to find strengh to survive. If a human beeing does not see meaning in life she will cease to exist. Mental fulfilment training aims to create this balance to nature, to other people, witih oneself and find the meaning for each person to live.
Engineering skills
To get success with psychological working methods and interventions in the long run it is of great importance that the purpose is clear, goals and subgoals are set and measurable, methods are systemized and repeated in the context that they are supposed to be used in and exactly the situations where the individual, group or organization need development.
Engineering skills mean just this and are therefore a central part of mental fulfilment training and a major contribution to lasting change. Many make the misstake to train in situations which are not similar to the real life situation and exposure of significant stimuli is lacking. Hence you do not learn what you really want to. All you accomplish with that kind of training is just a chimera improvement that will not withstand the scrutiny of the actual situation.
MFT Sweden Ltd make sure that mental training is conducted in exactly the real life situations you want to be able to control and master until you get the effect you are looking for. It is also imortant to, like an engineer, measure and document training improvement so that made progress is evident. Few things are more rewarding and energizing than the feeling of succeeding with your challanges.
Professional sports
Professional sports fundamentally is about winning and defeating your opponent and to succeed in this task you need to be goal oriented, stubborn, willful, tactical, brave and have a ability to analize your strengths and your opponents weak sides. If you can put your strong sides against your opponents weak sides you can defeat a stronger adversary like David defeated Goliath.
To get what you want in life you need to overcome obstacles and resistance within yourself, your group or organization but also from the outside. An important part of mental fulfilment training is to implement elements of professional sports into the mental traing that you, your group or organization need to go through to reach your goals.
Evaluated life experience
It does not matter how much experience you have, how much you studied och lived, how much you penetrated a certain subject to try to understand or which genius methods you have developed to control a situation there will still be situations, events, paradoxes, dilemmas and mysteries that you will not understand.
It is important to realize that nobody fully understands what goes on in quantum mechanics or in the universe, what happens when we die or what happened before the big bang. So since nobody really knows things in detail why can´t your beliefs be just as powerful or right as anyone else´s. A lot of power and self belief can be found here.
How can we then relate to the unknown och how shall we choose in different situations to ensure ourselves to get what we want in the long run?
Evaluated life experience will be a good guide but also the ability to learn how not to do things when they turn out differently than you wanted and to amplify wanted results when they turn out to be the way you want.
It is likely that methods you have tried with success before might work again but it is not for certain. There fore becomes the ability to learn from mistakes crucial in mental fulfilment training.
MFT Sweden Ltd have a pragmatic relationship to the development and goals of the individual, group or organization and therefore working methods and interventions are developed from each unique case to another considering the resources at hand. The best way to find a successful path to the goal is to first look att the circumstances at hand and then develop methods and interventions not the other way around.