MFT Sweden Ltd helps individuals, groups and organizations to develop mentally and physically in order to get what they want!
Results MFT – Every day use
MFT – Every day use should be considered an alternative to psychotherapy, mental training and medicine. MFT – every day use is constructed for people that function quite normaly in their lives but still experience emotional suffering or wants to develop mentally within certain areas and achieve their goals in life. MFT-every day use can apply to individuals, groups or organizations. MFT Sweden have helped hundreds of clients reach their goals and feel better. Here is a description of some of them.
Clients that have choosen MFT – Every day use as training method
- Client 1: Male 53 years
- Client 2: Female 25 years
- Client 3: Female 25 years
- Client 4: Female 28 years
- Client 5: Male 25 years
- Client 6: Male 43 years
- Client 7: Female 28 years
- Client 8: Male 40 years
- Client 9: Female 26 years
Goals: Process the perceived destructive relationship to the parents. Stop taking medicine and still feel good. Get tools to deal with his son´s depression. Decrease the level of anxiety by increasing emotional contact and understanding of emotional expressions.
Time consumtion: 19 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “The quality of the therapy was excellent, it fulfilled my expectations and has helped me a lot to relate to my problems”
Goals: To strengthen the belief that what she feels is right for her. To reduce the fear of not being good enough and become negatively evaluated. To feel a higher degree of meningfulness in life and what she chooses to do. To decrease the intensity of the inner war she feels she is having with herself.
Time consumtion: 30 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I feel very satisfied with our cooperation. I think we in a, for myself, good way have worked our way towards the goals of the training. You have asked questions so that I have found the answers inside myself which have strengthened my belief that what I feel is right for me.”
Goals: Find a commen acceptable explanatory model for the feelings of disappointment, sadness, frustration, insignificance and irritation she feels when other people do not see what she has done or when they do not take initiative. Find a constructive way for her to deal with these feelings on her own without being dependent of other people to let go.
Time consumtion: 7,5 timmar
The Client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I am very happy. It has been a overwhelming, liberating, frightening, horrible, calm, creepy and safe experience. I feel relieved somehow, as if i am done with my trauma. This has meant a lot and was way beyond my expectations.”
Goals: To identify, understand the source of and construct mental tools to deal with the feelings and thoughts wich appear inside her before she starts acting irrationally and thereby causing harm to herself and others.
Time consumtion: 20 hours.
The Client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “Generally seen I think everything was well thought out. I was a little surprised that we so quickly found an model of explanation for my destructive behaviour. I think we managed to reach all the goals we had in the contract. Thank you for your time, I have appreciated your flexibility and the fact that you came to my house.”
Goals: To learn how to handle interaction with other people more constructively. Learn how to deal with certain situations connected to achievement. Get concrete measures of the progress that has been made.
Time consumtion: 12 hours.
The Client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I think that the cooperation has given me a lot. I have learnt a great deal about myself in certain situations, not only in situations of achievement but also in every day life. I think this is a very good foundation from which I can build my coming mental training.”
Goals: That he should find an acceptable model of explanation for his way of thinking, feeling, reasoning and behaving in certain situations that he in present time can not understand.
Time consumtion: 5 hours.
The Client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “Hello again! Thank you for a great cooperation and a well performed job. When I think about it more thoroughly most things are quite obvious if you only have somebody listening that can interprit the sometimes odd “ideas” that get stuck inside the head. I have learnt a lot from our converstations and have desided to try to live with the new perspectives that this have given me. To see things from a different angle, to set oneself first sometimes and take control over inner processes. I think the cooperation will continue further on. Thank you Magnus.
Goals: To strengthen her self esteem and self confidence and thereby look upon history and the future with greater calm and become less distressed thinking about what other people might think of her. To get closer to her full potential of and being energized. To find an acceptable model of explanation that shows why she experiences anxiety. To learn to deal with certain situations by applying a more relaxed point of view to her own failures. To learn how to separate destructive and constructive thoughts, emotions and behaviour and consciously choose what is most constructive for her under the circumstances at hand. To se her temporary imbalance as a sign of health instead of failure.
Time consumtion: 13 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “I practically fell over your homepage by coinsidence, wich I am extremely happy for today since you in a positive way helped me to handle a tough period of life when most things felt heavy and hopeless and I had lost faith in myself and the future. Your way of working suited me perfectly, both communcation wise and the theoretical framework. I appreciate that you answered my first contact mail, that you have listened, been firm but humble, questioned me, explained and helped me to understand myself better. Most importantly I have learnt the cognitive parts of myself that were very logical but still tough since my earlier way of thinking was the trap I set for myself. Since I have started to use the things I have learnt from you I feel much, much better. I have regained my energy and become myself again but in a better version.”
Goals: To be able to cope with stressful feelings of inferiority, of being controlled and injustice in consructive ways, without the use of alcohol, by learning new ways of thinking and behaving when these feelings surface.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Divorce, alcoholic problems, depression and a low self esteem is not a very good foundation to stand upon waking up in the morning. With the help from MFT I have learnt new ways of dealing with emotionally tough situations. A lot of good advice to have in the back pocket when falling into negative thoughts. A choice of path that I for a moment stop thinking about to decide what is best for me. If I choose wisely it brings a lot of good consequences, not only for me but people around me that means so much to me. I have seen that everything is about emotions, there is a lot of them that we all need to learn how to deal with. Emotions and feelings that make us react in a certain ways. What is right? What is wrong? Why do I react so strongly upon something somebody else do not register? My reactions in different situations have now been made conscious to me and I think this is the key to why I feel so good about myself today. Every day is a new day. When I have noticed that I have gathered a lot of good days things become more and more easy. If I should fall into negative thoughts again I am close to get back to the positive. Thank you for a treatment very well thought through that I am sure will help a lot of people. You have found your path!”
Goals: To find ways of making a difficult choice that are grounded in history and will help her see clearly when the point in time for choosing get closer.
Time consumtion: 6 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Thank you for the summary and your time. After our first meeting I felt a little low, as if I had stired thoughts and feelings to the surface that I did not want to activate for the moment. But during the second conversation I felt better and I told you that I only wanted to organize my choice so that I later on would feel more prepared to choose. Based on that thought I could focus on finding what was needed inside myself. I think you made a professional impression, asked the right questions and interposed my way of thinking when needed. You were open minded and gave room for my thoughts when necessary. Our personal chemistry worked well wich is very important in a work like this. It felt good to get a summary of our work, partly because I felt I got a finished product and partly because it will help me to structure my thoughts when the time for making the choice gets closer.”
If you want to change yourself and thereby getting closer to reaching yor goals in life do not hesitate to get in contact with MFT Sverige Ltd by submiting your contact information under the headline contact at the top of the page.
Results MFT – Sports
MFT Sweden Ltd has helped around hundreds of athletes with individually suited MFT programes. Here are some of these results accomplished with clients that have choosen the method MFT – sports as a way of mental training. Focus in this training have been to increase the athletic achievement but a lot of work have been connected to life outside sports which is quite natural considering that thoughts, feelings and behaviour in a sports environment can be the same as in other contexts.
Clients that have choosen MFT – sports as their mental training method
- Client 1: Male 26 years
- Client 2: Female 31 years
- Client 3: Male 17 Years
- Client 4: Male 15 years
- Client 5: Male 16 years
- Client 6: Male 14 years
- Client 7: Female 18 years
- Client 8: Male 18 years
- Client 9: Female 13 years
- Client 10: Male 21 years
Goals: To increase his understanding of what his optimum stage for achievement on court is and find ways for him to increase his ability to get into that stage. Increase his understanding of the feelings that occur during practice and competition, especially which they are, how they can be understood and handled. Feel better during practice and competition and strive for making the joy of winning greater than the fear of loss.
Time consumtion: 10 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Magnus has helped me to understand and interpret my thoughts and feelings in a new positive way”, ” It has been very easy to talk to Magnus which have made our conversations developing”, “I think we have reached all our goals and more to it”, ” It has been very good that Magnus himself is an elite athlete becaus he has been able to share his experiences and understand my situation in a constructive way.”
Goals: Create a explanatory model to understand her anger, it´s source and connections to other feelings, experiences and behaviour. Use this model to understand the function of the anger, construct tools to manage it in a more constructive way.
Time consumtion: 15 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “We set clear goals and rules for how our cooperation should work so that I understood since I had no earlier experience of therapy”, ” I thought it was great that Magnus all the time was able to understand my reactions and situation”, “In the short period of time that we worked I was able to understand myself much better”, “He asked me questions so that I could find the answers inside myself”, “Magnus is dedicated, thorough, professional and considerate as a therapist”, “I would recommend Magnus as a therapist to anyone.”
Goals: To increase the ability to let go of thoughts, feelings and behaviour that are destructive for him in his present environment. Especially his nervousness and his feeling of havning to achieve. To increase his knowledge of his optimum condition for achievement.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “The training has helped me in many ways, among others the ways to handle a loss, I do not get so low as i once did wich makes it possible for me to relax while playing and therefore helped me to play better. The fear of painfull losses has diminished. Now I can use my energy on constructive thinking, feeling and behaviour instead. After all that I have learnt I can see how this could help me in my life outside sport. Your help has been very useful, thank you.”
Goals: To understand why he gets so angry that everything seems to get black. To get tools to handle his anger so that it does not become destructive for him in his environment.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “I have been helped controlling my temper”, “When I played a match I became engry but I was able to control it so it did not become destructive”, “When our conversations made me see that I got a lot of emotional rewards for my anger that I did not want on a conscious level, it was so much easier to let go of the anger.”
Goals: That he shall be able to hit through his strokes, be less hesitant, increase his ablity to concentrate and learn to let go of destructive thoughts. That he shall be able to handle psychological warfare from his opponents, be able to give a hundred percent even though things do not go his way and decrease his stress while playing.”
Time consumtion: 12 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Magnus has helped me tactically, psychologically, with my conditioning and the game itself. He has also taught me how to think in different situations and not to hesitate. My game is better than ever thanks to a better self confidence.”
Goals: To increase his ability to play well even though he plays somebody he knows. To become a better judge of which balls to attack and come in to the net and which to play safe with a lot of topspin. To get rid of all behaviors of superstition that consumes energy and instead use it on more constructive activity. To make him understand what his optimum stage of performance is. To increase his ability to enter his optimum stage of performance. To become more aware of which thoughts, feelings and behaviors that prevents him from playing well and which help him to play well. To develop his ability to move from destructive thoughts, feelings and behavior to constructive thoughts, feelings and behaviour. To increase his knowledge of how thoughts, feelings and behaviour are connected and parts of each other.
Time consumtion: 7 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “I believe I am more focused and more calm when I work according to my individually suited MFT program, I become more goal oriented. I am starting to be able to beat my friends even though I sometimes lose, it is getting better and better. What has helped me the most is my increased ability to move from destructive to constructive thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is so much easier for me to accept bad calls from the referee and easy mistakes from my side instead of beeing disappointed and negative. Now I hardly remember easy mistakes. My mental strength and capacity have increased because of this.”
Goals: To learn how to allow herself to not give one hundred percent in each practice, sometimes it is better to take it easy. To learn how to prioritize herself instead of always consider the environment first. Some times it is better to think about oneself even if other people want something different. To learn how to decide when to think about herself and when to think about the environment. To reduce the headache she subconsciously develop to create a legitamate reason for not giving a hundred percent and replace it with a conscious decision to take it easy because she needs to. To become aware of what her optimum stage of performance is like and how to enter it. To become consciously aware of what thoughts, feelings and behavior that are stopping her from running faster and which are helping her. To develop the ability to go from destructive to constructive thoughts, feelings and behavior and to know how thoughts, feelings and behavior are connected.
Time consumtion: 10 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “After going through mental fulfilment training with Magnus I feel I have learnt a good deal about myself, both new things and old that I have increased my understanding for. During our cooperation my feelings went up and down considerably, both laughter and cry. It is not always easy to open up to new people but a good side of Magnus is that he is easy to open up to because he seems yo understand you. I did not feel alone in what I felt. I could talk about everything. Magnus´s experience from sports make him an good mental coach. To begin with I felt that this training created new problems but I am very happy I acknowledged them because they were old problems that I had not accepted, that through the training became conscious to me. MFT have given me a healthier attitude to my sport because I now know when to go hard and when to take it easy, I control myself better. I have also learnt that life in- and outside sports are connected and new pathways of thinking that will help me in my life in the future have developed during our cooperation. Together we have changed the pieces that needed change in order for me to feel better and to increase my chances of succeding as an athlete. Thank you for your help”
Goals: To learn how to play with wide enough margins and to learn how to handle the feeling of happiness that is so destructive to his performance. To become aware of what his optimum stage of performance is like and how to enter it. To become consciously aware of what thoughts, feelings and behavior are stopping him and which are helping him. To develop the ability to go from destructive to constructive thoughts, feelings and behavior and to know how thoughts, feelings and behavior are connected.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “The reason for me to getting in contact with Magnus was that I had problems focusing on an entire match from beginning to end. I could play well in the beginning of a match but lost focus as I got ahead. Magnus helped me to find the things that made me loose concentration. We found that my feeling of happiness that I felt after having played well was very destructive to my performance during he match. When I played badly I started to focus on what was going on around the court and therefore lost focus even more. All these behaviours sholud instead work as warnings signs for me saying “you are not focused” and instead start a signal for me to think, “new game 0-0″, independent of the actual score. Our cooperation have worked very well and I have been helped a lot in many ways both as a badmintonplayer and in school, thank you!!!”
Goals: To reduce the amount of times she stops giving one hundred percent. To become aware of what her optimum stage of performance is like and how to enter it. To become consciously aware of what thoughts, feelings and behavior that are stopping her from playing better and which are helping her. To develop the ability to go from destructive to constructive thoughts, feelings and behavior and to know how thoughts, feelings and behaviour are connected.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “I have really tried to think about my mental training. It has helped me pretty much. In the county competition the other week it relly helped me think in a way that made me win the match. I was positive, believed in myself, relaxed and aggressive in a good way. During the final the opposition was very strong and I forgot about the mental training which is a problem to me that I do sometimes. I fall back into old destructive habits. Sometimes I feel like giving in but I get help from my mental trainig program. I need to work on a lot of things to become a better tennis player but MFT has helped me to take a step in the right direction.”
Goals: To lower the pressure and high expectations that he experiences to a level of stimulation instead of hindering. To stop self puninshment in the form of negative self evaluation and instead see possibilities and developing potential in what is going on. To be able to push himself so hard physically not to be stoped by feeling uncomfort in physical exhaustion. To know how to separate constructive from destructive thoughts, feelings and behavior and know how to transcend from one to the other.
Time consumtion: 13 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “I have learnt to focus on the right things in my game and feel that the pressure that I have felt before now is on a reasonable level. Now I feel with help from my MFT program that I have learnt how to deal with physical exhaustion and also increased my consciousness of thoughts, feelings and behavior and know how to deal with them for my benefit on and off court”
If you want to change yourself and thereby getting closer to reaching yor goals in sports and life do not hesitate to get in contact with MFT Sverige Ltd by submiting your info under the headline contact.
Results MFT – Group psychology
- Client 1: A group of coaches on a industrial company
- Client 2: Working group in a bank
- Client 3: Team on a transportation company
- Client 4: Leadership group on a construction company
- Client 5: Informal group with major influence on other parts of the company
- Client 6: Ice hockey team
Time consumtion: 45 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “The work have definately been worth it´s cost. All people included felt that the inventory of the psychological status in the coachgroup was well performed and necessary. Clearly, the thorough and at moments deep work together with the big meeting, led to a more effective communication arose in the group, very well! Further more we have achieved a greater understanding of our similarities and differences and developed our personalities and abilities as leaders. You show great knowledge and goal orientation and I am certain that both me personally and the company will get back to you when the need for your services arise.”
Time consumtion: 15 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ” It is very interesting so see how such seemingly obvious things can escape one´s attention as potential areas of development. Now when goals are clearer and evaluation implemented, focus set on the right activities considering the goal and we have cleared some minor misunderstandings within the group regarding my role as a leader the energy level have increased significantly. Thank you for your contribution, it has been very interesting and giving.
Time consumtion: 80 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”In parts it has been a rough experience becoming aware of how unfinished business from the past can create so much negative energy in a group but also how people´s emotions control their will to seek cooperation. The picture is now very clear of what have been wrong and what needs to be done now in order to strengthen and inhance the existing group climate.
Time consumtion: 45 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: ”This was very necessary in order to understand what needs to be done with the company in the long run. Misunderstandings, unability to communicate and lack of insight into others perception of the situation have paralized us for a long time. Thanks for your effort. We now clearly see the hidden causes to the developed situation but most importantly what not to do in the future. Many new insights and lessons have been learnt.”
Time consumtion: 65 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”When family- and working relationships are mixed it easily can get complicated. We have had a hard time separating these roles which have consumed enormous amounts of energy for a long time. When it has been obvious to us that our opinoins diverse to much to cooperate a major feeling of relief has appeared. Finally we see a path of hope and confidence into the future. It has been a tough journey but the investment well worth it´s cost. Thank you for your help and professionalism.”
Time consumtion: 9 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”It was very interesting to see how group work and discussions made the guys understand that energy have been directed wrongly in many situations. Now we have a totally different focus and use more of the teams potential. I feel that this notonly developed the guys as hockeyplayers but also strengthened their self confidence and self esteem outside the rink. Thanks for your help.”
Results MFT – Organizational psychology
- Client 1: International citchen company
- Client 2: Company in car industry
- Client 3: Construction company
- Client 4: Union within farming
Time consumtion: 155 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”Emagine that sometimes you are your own worst enemy without you understanding it. It has become very clear that communication between the management group and other parts o the company have not been working satisfactory. It has been blurred and the desition making process have been to complicated. Through individual conversations and group meetings we have now found new ways and better sales which in turn ave increased staff satisfaction a lot. If work is fun the results come as a letter in the mail. It has been a necessary journey.”
Time consumtion: 20 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”Now we have started to talk to one another. Roles are clearer. More people are engaged in sales and everbody knows what to do. The structure is easier to understand and most of all more efficient. When we focus on the right things of course the figures become better. It is a big relief.”
Time consumtion: 60 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: The group sessions that we had have made it clear that we need better feedback in the organization to be able to correct what is not working earlier than before. New people enter the organization and carry culture from previous employment but also our own culture is not strong enogh to rubb off on them. Now our cultural platform is founded through everybodys contribution on how to act in our every day work. We are stronger as a group now than before. Thank you for your expertice and a skilled treatment.”
Time consumtion: 150 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”We never thought this way before. Now we see things totally differently and new possibilities have emerged. It feels on one hand good to realise that we can do so many things in everyday life to improve our situation but on the other hand a little scary to enter new territory. Also we now see how to develop our business. Profit has been under our noses the whole time and nowwee see it. It feels very good to feel hope and the wind in our backs again. You have been a great speaking partner and your feedback has been developing.”
Results MFT – Lecture, conference and workshop
- Client 1: Company within VVS
- Client 2: Working group in a bank
- Client 3: Govermental aquisition department
- Client 4: Successful restaurant chain
- Client 5: Lecture for staff in racketcenter
- Client 6: Badminton club in Stockholm
- Client 7: Elite club
- Client 8: Tennisclub with high ambitions
- Client 9: Multinational bruery company
- Client 10: Successful ecological industrial company
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The client`s evaluation of the cooperation: This was a beneficial conference and workshop. It has been clear to me that opinions are diverse and we need unification to get better results. At the same time we have during this weekend started the journey to a unified group and a more motivating cooperation. It felt good that you held control, passed words on in discussions and organized the weekend in a way that made us focus on what was necessary. It was a lot of fun to combine imprtant issues with physical traing in the form of racketsports and gym.”
Time consumtion: 12 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: Since your instructions were so clear regarding our preparations going into the conference you really set the tone for a lot of work to be done in a short period of time. It became clear how we focus on the wrong things from time to time but now after changing communication patterns we can correct this and take on new challenges differently. We are more effective which increases profit. To combine this great group work with fun racketsports is just a nice, interesting and efficient way of having a conference. We reached our goals and more.”
Time consumtion: 5 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”Once we came to the conference a lot of work was already donet hanks to your guidance so finishing the job was a pretty easy task. It is interesting to se how much information can get spread through asking the right questions and hence make people more conscious about their behaviour. Since everybody now are aware of how we shall cooperate motivation has increased significantly. We also felt it was a great combination with the physical activity even though we are far from professional racketplayers. It was a lot of fun.
Time consumtion: 8 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”This was a huge success. The guys both liked the psychological lecture in the beginning of the day and even more so the winning instinct that was awaken during the Racketlon competition. Thank you for a interesteing and joyful day with a great lunch to complement the experience.
Time consumtion: 3 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “Interesting and well performed”, “The contents of this lecture can really be applied on the people of my company”, “Now when have got an understanding of what I can achieve by challenging myself I am going to use it in my work.”
Time consumtion: 2 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Interesting to understand how players can defend their weak efforts”, “Now it is much more clear to me how I as a leader can act in order to support my players mentally during training and competition.”
Time consumtion: 3,0 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I believe that this is a good kick off for my players to start their mental training”, “This was really interesting, my picture of what mental training means has become clearer”, “I would like my son to start going through your mental fulfilment training.”
Time consumtion: 3,5 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I want my daughter to get help from you in order to become more consistent”, “What you have said fits my daughter perfectly, I think this might help her.”
Time consumtion: 2,0 timmar.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “I think this will make them think on a new level”. “This was very concrete and applicable to many parts of my business”. “Very interesting and developing”.
Time consumtion: 4,0 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: “We needed this lecture to clean the air in the group”. “It became so much easier to discuss important things after listening and participating in your lecture.”
Results MFT – Racketsport
Some of the customers outbursts during racket sports lessons:
“Now I begin to understand what I have been doing wrong before and how I shall move in order to get in the right position to hit the ball.”
“I have never thought about that the reason I do not hit through the swing is that I am protecting my old back injury, it has to be subconsious.”
“Do you think I need to change my racket, I have had it since 1973?”
“I really wish I could beat my pal in a Racketlon game and now I think I know how!”
“I would like to book ten lessons but only pay for nine, is that possible?”
“This was very exhausting but useful, can I come back when my muscles do not hurt so much?”
“I feel much safer approaching the net since we talked about what I should do after my attacking shot”
“Today I want to become even more tired than last time, can you fix that?”
“How do I get more pressure and control in my shots?”
“When I watch you hit I understand what I do wrong when I try to kill the ball”
“Finally i have several new ideas how I shall improve my serve.”
“This was a lot of fun, now I shall beat my boyfriend in squash.”
“It is wonderful to finally have found a way of training that means loosing weight and still have a lot of fun.”
“It is so much more fun running after the ball instead of running in the woods.”
“In wich class in Racketlon swedish open do you think I should participate?”
“It is perfect to take a squashlesson during lunch because it gives me new energy coming back to work.”
Results MFT – Teaching
with their mathematics, physics and psychology with good result.
Here are some of the clients:
Time consumption: 15 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: “Now I understand the difference between fractions and the decimal system and finally I know the table of multiplication by heart.”
Time consumtion: 10 hours.
The client`s evaluation of the cooperation: ”You really have made my learning so much more efficient. It has been so good to get help immediately instead of waiting for a teacher that seldom comes.”
Time consumtion: 7 hours.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”Now I feel well prepared for the test. I feel sure I am going to pass it.”
Resultat MFT – Food, training and sleep
Time consumtion: 7 timmar.
The client´s evaluation of the cooperation: ”Thank you Magnus for helping me understand why I had problems with my sleep for so long. Now when we pinpointed some unsolved problems my brain has been working on during my sleep and how they have affected my sleeping patterns it has become much better. Additionally we have created a structure for when and how I shall go to bed, what the context ideally should be and when to wake up. This structure has helped me to sleep without sleeping pills in addition to me waking up rested. That is so nice.”
Time consumtion: 50 timmar.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: ”Now when I see all my excuses for unhealthy eating and to little training it is going to be harder to keep on doing it. I just cant close my eyes for my destructive behaviour any more. Now when I know how to think it feels so much easier to stick to my constructive behaviour. In addition us scheduling current traing makes it so much easier to get into the healthy structure. Thank you. I am very happy. ”
Time consumtion: 30 hours.
The clients evaluation of the cooperation: ”Now when the structure has been set, I know what to do in order to reach my goals and my trainig routine is in it´s place it feels easy to reach my goals. It has taken time to come here and a lot of hard work in thge beginning but now all I feel is joy and motivation. My everyday life is so much more giving. Thank you for a great cooperation.”